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Fusion AAA

2025 Fusion AAA Teams

2016 Boys 1-2 spots available Email for an evaluation
2015 Boys FULL
2014 Boys FULL
2013 Boys 1-2 spots available Email for an evaluation
2012 Boys FULL
U10 Girls 1 spot available Email for an evaluation
U12 Girls 1 spot available Email for an evaluation

Pete Talafous

Director of Fusion AAA Hockey

Phone: 952-469-2218

2025 Program Info
  • Cost: $1,399

  • 30 hours of development training

  • 3 AAA Tournaments

  • On-Ice Development Practices (consistent with xHockey's development model)

  • xHPTF led Dryland Training Sessions

  • Spring season: April- Mid May, 2025

  • Fall season: Mid July- August, 2025

  • Game Jersey and Socks Included in cost- NO HIDDEN FEES

  • xHPTF Professional Coaching Staff

Fusion AAA Program

The Fusion AAA program offers a professionally developed training program with an appropriate amount of scrimmages and games for the off-season.  Emphasis is placed on player development and team building.  The Fusion program offers the following for players at most levels:

  • Skill and Game-System based On-Ice training
  • Professionally developed Off-Ice training
  • Scrimmages
  • Full Ice Games

Our focus is on complete player development! Our Fusion program is all about individual player development in a team environment.  It is called the off-season for a reason. Our goal is to make sure every athlete leaves the off-season a significantly better hockey player.  Practices will cover various areas of the game in order to see the necessary improvements going into the following years association tryouts.


Practices are designed to cover all areas of the game:

  • Skills
  • Hockey IQ and Smarts
  • Game Concepts and Situations
Games and Scrimmages

Games are an important part of development.  Our coaches utilize the games to:

  1. Evaluate the individual player's skills, hockey IQ, effort/compete
  2. Teach the team how to play at a championship level (not necessarily win championships)

We believe effort and attitude come first.  They are going to make mistakes, have bad shifts, etc, but if the effort and focus is there, that’s all our coaching staff can ask. We focus on the intangibles and doing the little things as a player.  Team comes first. We want young hockey players to understand the importance of playing as a team, supporting each other on and off the ice, and staying discipline.  They will learn how to play at a championship level, which means - winning 1v1 battles, back-checking, pressuring the puck, puck movement, and being positive on the bench regardless of the score or what happens throughout the game.